I'm getting us ready to split and Dad suggests that we hit up the MSU bookstore to get a bit of gear and what not. I love the International Center and always love going there, so this was a no brainer.
We get onto campus and I managed to not get into an accident while eyeballing the now ten inch crack on my windshield. I come around onto Shaw or whatever road runs parallel to the bookstore. There is Dad, sitting in his car, holding up traffic. I lean my head out, he says something about the lot being full.
This is in spite of the fact that I saw open areas to park while turning left and the fact that the parking sign didn't say FULL. After a few honks I just pulled around him and headed back to the circle drive to get to the MSU Museum.
We have been there before, a few times in fact, most recently being in June. But since then Jack has amped up his love of Dinosaurs and I thought that killing some time on campus wouldn't be a terrible thing. So I got us out, parked and walked around the museum.
On the bottom floor is the HALL OF EVOLUTION. That's right wackos, I said EVOLUTION.
Jack enjoyed this loop more than ever due to a few of the things you will see here.

From the museum we walked to the Beaumont Tower and from the tower we crossed the road, looked at the Library Fountain and then walked around the Beal Gardens. I had been in the Beal recently, having posed for pictures with two passed out bums after Josh's wedding.
From there we walked to the library, walked around into the quiet stacks and the noisy stacks. I think I hadn't been in there since, ohhh, 1997? I think that is about right. Long time. Totally different but there were those touches that will always make me think of MSU. After one loop Jack said he was hungry and we doubled back to the cyber cafe, which is where there periodicals/micro fiche used to be. I got a large Iced Tea and a Zingerman's Pretzel Stick while Jack got an authentic Quality Dairy Cherry Donut.
We walked over, sat in opposing seats and ate and shared my tea. It was at this moment that I felt so foolish for leaving the camera. This moment was priceless and felt really special to me.
As we left we goofed around at the fountains outside for a little while longer before heading back to Grandma and Grandpa's.
From there I hoisted Jack onto my shoulders
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