On a fine Saturday morning where we were all in town the whole fam went to the farmer's market and Clinch Park. Here are some pics.
My singing was not up to snuff, this was the reaction. You'd think the kid had never heard a raw, ragged, and gritty version of Dirty Old Town before.

Clinch Park used to house Traverse City's Zoo. Seems strange to me now that the area would have had a Zoo, but I used to go there as a kid and the dedications on various plaques around the park give dates of 50 years ago. I'm glad they allowed the park to return to nature, more or less.

The Train! Who could be on it?

Debbie and Jack, looking Coltrane cool in his mom's shades.

I parked in that spot after almost being creamed by another car. 15 minute parking but we were there for an hour. Which reminds me I need to pay my EL parking ticket I just remembered!

In the background is the Park Place. In the foreground is the back of the revamped, retooled and retouched Traverse City State Theater. Looking at it from the park it really is an amazing thing that Michael Moore did for this town. Love him or Hate him, he allowed for this amazing landmark to be revamped and a draw for the community and a boon to downtown.

Getting off the train.

Now what?

I Like Turtles!

I appear to weigh 400 lbs. in this photo. I need some doggone clothes that FIT.

Waaah! My clothes don't fit, music is all lame and I want more stuff that I need and can afford.

Stop whinging dad!

Yup, that is a turtle head poking out.

In the tunnel to the market.

Sitting on the shoulder of a giant.

That yellow outfit? Money. So adorable in it and the Van Gogh/French countryside hat seals the deal.

Towards the car. Nice diffusion....

Do you like my yellow hat?
Take it off, you'll stretch it out Charlie Brown!

A beautiful family enjoying a lovely day.