As you can tell from the title of this post, we attended the Northwestern Michigan Fair the other evening. CHEESE! Pint of buttermilk good sir! What's buttermilk? Dinner Are you really gonna eat that? This? Ummm.... Yes. (Look at that grease on the paper plate) He's nuts, eating two elephant ears during the summer. Both times with me. AND, he won't give me any. This one's for my Mom. She knows what I mean. Oddly enough they didn't serve any chocolate ice cream...strange What a ruse! Free stuff to get you into their lil' church tent! I almost buckled, almost got some New Testa-mint tea. Nope. Not me, me and my family are TOO STRONG for this ruse! Doh! Free ticket, from my pocket, not off the ground I'm done. Let's blow this popstand. At McDonalds.
"Dad, I can't believe that you ran over the backpack you left behind the car." "I mean, what were you thinking?" "Look at Sophia, the shock of the backpack incident made her pass out!"
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun outing.
Sophia's shoes are so cute!
Jack was really enjoying himself.
Grandma Tish