To take advantage of something to do on such a miserable rainy day we took the whole fam to the Grand Traverse Mall. When I was a kid there was only one mall, the Cherryland Mall, which is still in town only existing as an open air mall called the Cherryland Center.
We parked by Macy's and headed straight to a structure that has been seen on this blog before:

No, that is not me balancing a potato on the back of my head. Where is that can of spray on hair when you need it?


I'm On a Boat, shorty!

Dad I think they left....

...and they were off to the races

Goody goody gumballs!

Making sure to touch them all to build immunity.

The merry-go-round!
I elected NOT to ride the ride

Neither did she.

I don't think Debbie expected to hold Jack for the whole ride. She didn't end up doing that, but it was close.